Travelpro people’s actions have changed the world


Travelpro people’s actions have changed the world. The survival of human life is travel-prone. Blood travels/circulates in your body all the time to make you alive.


Our ancestors were hunter-gatherers. They used to travel from one place to another because the animals and vegetation of that place would have been eaten up and their further survival would have been challenging

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Our ancestors were great travelers and hunter-gatherers.

Picture 7Travel-pro Charles Darwin wrote the great book of evolution, Origin of Species.                                                                                     Charles Darwin’s Participation: Charles Darwin, a young naturalist, was invited to join the voyage as the ship’s naturalist. He spent the majority of the voyage ashore, exploring the geology and natural history of the lands visited. His observations and collections during the voyage played a crucial role in the development of his theory of evolution by natural selection. source Wikipedia

Charles Darwin was a great traveler who enlightened us with the knowledge of evolution, written in his world-famous book “Origin of Species.”. He traveled for 5 years on the ship HMS Beagle and minutely studied the origin and evolution of fauna. Below is his travel route.

picture 5                            Charles Darwin, the Father of Evolution, did the Beagle Voyage. The Beagle voyage was a five-year scientific expedition undertaken by the Royal Navy ship HMS Beagle between 1831 and 1836. The primary goal was to conduct a hydrographic survey of the coasts of South America, but the voyage also included extensive scientific work, including geological observations and the collection of specimens. -source Wikipedia.                           Satish Tripathi sctri48 




Christopher Columbus  Great Traveler – (born between August 26 and October 31?, 1451, Genoa [Italy]—died May 20, 1506, Valladolid, Spain) was a master navigator and admiral whose four transatlantic voyages (1492–93, 1493–96, 1498–1500, and 1502–04) opened the way for European exploration, exploitation, and colonization of the Americas. He has long been called the “discoverer” of the New World, although Vikings such as Leif Eriksson had visited North America five centuries earlier. Columbus made his transatlantic voyages under the sponsorship of Ferdinand II and Isabella I, the Catholic Monarchs of AragonCastile, and Leon in Spain. He was at first full of hope and ambition, an ambition partly gratified by his title “Admiral of the Ocean Sea,” awarded to him in April 1492, and by the grants enrolled in the Book of Privileges (a record of his titles and claims). However, he died a disappointed man. Source- Britannica

Author: sctri48
Myself a doctor. I write reviews, blogs and interesting posts on travel, life, motivation, know yourself, your body, health including mental health, diet, universe and many more. I'm topmost review writer and photographer at trip and at Google map, where my photographs have got more than 12 million views. Satish Tripathi

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