RADIATION FACTS AND THEIR EFFECT ON OUR BODY.-Radiation is an energy transmission that has electric-magnetic waves. We are all exposed to radiation in our day-to-day lives. Examples are the sun, emitting cosmic radiation, mobile, transmission tower, background radiation, or X-rays and gamma-rays. radiation, or cosmic rays (X-rays and Gama-rays). The radiation risk depends on its wavelength and penetrability. The broader the waves, the lesser their penetration. Smaller waves have more power and penetrate deeper. TYPES OF Radiation It is primarily split into two sections 1: non-ionizing radiation It is lower-energy radiation with not enough power to separate electrons from any atoms or molecules in matter or living organisms. Its energy can make the molecules vibrate and produce heat, like in microwave ovens. 2: Ionizing radiation It carries greater energy than non-ionizing radiation, can ionize the atoms to molecules and break their bonding. It can detach electrons from atoms or molecules, which causes changes at the atomic level. Such changes usually involve the production of ions. That is why it is called ionizing radiation.


1: In the Medical Field Used extensively as diagnostic tools, such as X-rays of the body parts, CT scans, radioisotope studies, and PET scans. Therapeutic uses include treating cancer. Thanks to radiation, 2- For Production of power, – By Nuclear power plants Energy: radiation allows us to produce electricity as nuclear energy. 3: Industry and Science–Industry and science: With nuclear techniques based on radiation, scientists can examine objects from the past or produce materials with superior characteristics in, for instance, the car industry. uses 4: In packaging, syringes and surgical materials like catheters are directly sterilized after packing by high-dose radiation. 5:- In the food processing industry, to irradiate packaged food materials, fruits, and vegetables to prevent them from infection and rotting. Radiation is thus a two-way sword. What a paradox! It can both cause and treat cancer. What is the danger of high doses of radiation?
What are the worst side effects of radiation? Common Side Effects of Radiation Thera
- In food and packaging industry fruits and vegetables are irradiated to prevent infection and rotting . A very high level of radiation exposure delivered over a short time It can cause symptoms such as nausea and vomiting within hours and
sometimes result in death over the following days or weeks. This is known as acute radiation syndrome, also known colloquially as “radiation sickness.” Satish Tripathi sctri48