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DREAMING-BASIC FACTS AND PURPOSE. Dreaming is about the formation of images, whether visual, audio, or sensory, during sleep. A bizarre story or short play is created by the random connections of different experiences and episodes. It could be funny, scary, or puzzling.                                                                      Dreaming is the language of the subconscious mind. During the awakened state, the conscious brain is busy processing day-to-day activities and problems. It hardly gets time to relax and refresh. During sleep, , subconscious mind takes the upper hand. It reprocesses the thoughts and conscious activities of the day. In this process, it generates random and vivid dreams. Dreaming may be physiological or random. it could be towards certain ambitions to achieve money, prestige, power, and position, known as Lucid dreaming.


Basic Facts About Dreaming. 1: Most of the stories and episodes of dreaming are forgotten just after rising, about 95% . We hardly remember part of it 2-Dreaming occurs approximately 4-6 times during the REM sleep cycle per day and lasts about 5 to 30 minutes. BRAIN DURING DREAMING Both the lobes of the brain are active during dreams, from the brain stem to the cortex. Most of the dreams occur during the REM Sleep (rapid eye movement) phase of the sleep cycle. According to a Harvard University study, dreaming may synchronize all recently learned memories, improving it , and thus boosting overall performance. In a research study, it was found that when you’re in the rapid eye movement (REM) sleep stage, melatonin releases a substance called vasotocin, which helps your brain erase memories while you’re dreaming. It’s during this time of your sleep cycle that you have the kind of vivid dreams that you remember most.                    MEN AND WOMEN DREAM DIFFERENTLY. Men mostly dream about aggression, physical activities, sports, and sex. Women most often dream about emotion, love, affection, or rejection. Their second most frequent dream is about clothing or jewelry.      PURPOSE OF DREAMING:  1 Relaxes brain and refreshes it 2-Memory consolidation: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/articles/201905/the-new-science-sleep 3-A Vent for suppressed desires. 4-processing of day-to-day activities and deletion of unwanted facts. 5:It is also helpful in balancing body hormones and neurotransmitters.                                                         DREAM THEMES Although dreams are mostly unique and random, the most common themes may be. Nightmare themes: 1-being chased by someone 2-falling somewhere or from the stairs. 3: Arriving late in the office or examination hall. 4-Attacked by someone 5: Be naked before someone or in public. 6: Falling of teeth or hair 7: Unable to locate a toilet. Happy Themes 1. Finding money or gold. 2: Meeting with loved ones or old close or dear friends. Nightmares and dreams can be triggered by many factors, like Stress or anxiety. Sometimes problems in daily life, at home or school, may trigger nightmares, or the death of a loved one can have the same effect.                                                                  LUCID DREAMS: This type of dream occurs in the REM cycle of sleep. The dreamer is aware of his dream. He has some control over this dreaming process. According to research, a lucid dream is an activity of the prefrontal cortex of the brain. Sometimes it can be induced. It is done to achieve a goal, overcome fears, or for psychotherapy   What is the significance of dreams?                             It has been suggested that dreams could be crucial to our emotional and mental health and can be a means by which we solve problems and deal with emotions and thoughts. Dreams are thought to play an important role in our ability to function in psychological calm.  What is the real purpose of dreaming? The emotional regulation dream theory says that the function of dreams is to help us process and cope with our emotions or trauma in a safe space.                          Satish Tripathi sctri48


Author: sctri48
Myself a doctor. I write reviews, blogs and interesting posts on travel, life, motivation, know yourself, your body, health including mental health, diet, universe and many more. I'm topmost review writer and photographer at trip advisor.com and at Google map, where my photographs have got more than 12 million views. Satish Tripathi

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