Who is Supreme? This question often haunts my mind. Let us muse on each of these. The first thing that comes to my mind is God. Then what is our perception of God? He is Omnipresent,Omniscient ,Omnipotent and Omnibenovalent.

If He is Omnipresent and Omniscient, then He must be knowing and watching everything happening in this world. The most recent example is a war between Russia and Ukraine.

Many innocent people- children and the elderly are being killed daily. Lively cities are being converted into ruins. What sin they had done? If he is Omnipotent and Omnibenovalent then why God is keeping Mum and letting all these drastic things be done? Why? Why?
If God is Omnibenovalent then He must look into the matter and do justice to everyone. If anybody knows, what He is doing, please let me know.

Nature? -It has its law. It never identifies Good or bad people, rich or poor. Does flood, drought Tsunamis Earthquake, or Volcanoes have any rule? Do these differentiate between men, women, children, Church, temple, or Mosque?

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