Human are modified Animals -Father of Evolutionary Biology Charles Darwin had said, that although “It may dent to your esteem, but it is a hard fact that we have come from very lowly origin“. Genetics also confirms that 97 % DNA of of gorillas and 98% of chimps are to same as humans. So we are 97% Gorilla and 98% Chimp and vice versa.


Because in our Genome ( DNA), we have genetic traces of those struggles, during the period of evolution, which proves that Bacteria, Viruses, reptiles, and Apes (our nearest), all have been our distant ancestors.

In some people, it is expressed as Wolf is why we call- it “a wolf in sheep -skin“. In some, it is expressed as a Chameleon( Garden Lizard/ Girgitan) character. So many of us change our color at different times. Some humans and many of our politicians belong to this breed.

We have come from Hunter-gatherer societies of humans. Nothing much has changed since then. This instinct has been modified in the same way in many humans.




Hunting for money, materials, property, and riches from others and gathering it beyond our needs is more or less the same thing. In a way animals and our ancestor hunter-gatherers had been nobler than us because they hunted and gathered for immediate needs only. They did not hoard.

Animal violence modified in the form of speaking -ill, looting, rape murder. Savagery is the cruel animal instinct.

How we evolved into modern men- we came from the family Hominidae. It includes-Homo-habilis (Handy Man), Homo-erectus ( upright man, ), Homo-Sapiens to our species-Modern man, Homo-sapiens-Sapiens.

Triune Brain Theory-Coined by Paul Macleans-It is based on the theory that during evolution, the first reptilian brain developed in the form of a brain-stem then the Mammalian brain evolved over it as the limbic brain, and then the latest modern human brain known as the prefrontal lobe. Thus human nature is due cocktail of all these three brains.

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Thus I can say that humans are modified animals. The human brain sits atop the lizard and mammalian brain. That is why many times humans act like animals, as we see in day-to-day life. This is my opinion, studying the various facts. However, you, yourself can judge, how far it is true.                                                                   sctri48 Satish Tripathi

Author: sctri48
Myself a doctor. I write reviews, blogs and interesting posts on travel, life, motivation, know yourself, your body, health including mental health, diet, universe and many more. I'm topmost review writer and photographer at trip and at Google map, where my photographs have got more than 12 million views. Satish Tripathi

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