Porn watching damages your pleasure system and mental health. Most People are living in blissful ignorance that — It’s liberating, educating, It keeps you in the mood. It’s, natural, and innocent. Many logics are being given to justify its acceptability. They’re people who think that porn is harmless and simply helps people to “get in the mood”, or “relieve frustration”,. It’s All Myth. These people are fooling themselves. Today we are living in the era of super fast internet speeds .3G,4G 5G & 6G.Pornographic images are accessible to individuals of all ages, just at the touch of fingers on a mobile or laptop. So internet addiction and particularly pornography addiction is on the rise. -Overindulging in such a dopamine-fuelled activity will cause damage, to both men and women but more, danger to teenagers. They are affected by the devastating impacts of porn addiction which will ruin their system of pleasure in their later life. They must be informed about this.

Children watching porn
STATUS OF PORN WATCHING ROUND THE WORLD •Despite a ban by the Govt on827 websites for hosting pornographic content, There are several other private websites by which India leads in porn consumption on smartphones in 2019 report – Jan02- 2020 •A new report has revealed that in India, 89 percent people watched porn via mobile devices in 2019. The US was second, with 81 percent, and Brazil third, with 79 percent. •Overall, three in four people are watching porn on their mobiles globally. •India has the world’s highest data usage per smartphone at an average of 9.8GB per month which will double to 18GB by 2024
With smartphones and tablets in hand, today users can force the release of Dopamine (pleasure neurotransmitter) by watching porn in multiple windows, searching endlessly, fast-forwarding to the images or videos, they find hottest. They end up masturbating, to relieve the build-up tension. They are viewing constant novelty. ‘It’s all free, easy to access, available within seconds, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
NORMAL BRAIN VS PORN ADDICTED BRAIN •Normal Brain: •Experiencing a pleasurable event (e.g., orgasm) results in a large spike in the dopamine level in the brain… with a quick return to normal level after the event so the body is ready to enjoy another pleasurable event • Addicted Brain: •Set point is different — “thermostat” is reset. The baseline may be higher or lower than normal. When an individual with an addicted brain has his or her first porn/drug high, the dopamine level rises even higher than during orgasm — the high is even more intense and lasts longer than orgasm…but the dopamine level doesn’t return to the normal baseline. It plunges to 0 — no dopamine – and stays there.

PSYCHOLOGY TODAY– Respected US Journal
•The report, called ‘Porn-Induced Sexual Dysfunction is a Growing Problem’, explains that the loss of libido 30 years early is caused by continuous over-stimulation of dopamine, the neurotransmitter that activates the body’s reaction to sexual pleasure, by repeatedly viewing pornography on the internet. •A ‘paradoxical effect’ is created whereby with each new thrill, or ‘dopamine spike’, the brain loses its ability to respond to dopamine signals, meaning that porn users demand increasingly extreme experiences to become sexually aroused. So they lose interest in normal and day-to-day pleasures,becuase their pleasure level of Dopamine is set at higher units say it may be 200-300 and more.
DOPAMINE UNITS ASSOCIATED WITH DAY TO DAY PLEASURES. .1- Sunny Day- 40Units 2 -Walking barefoot on Grass-45Units 3-Receiving compliments-50 Units 4-Hugging -60 Units 5-Yoga and stretching 64 Units 6-Singing-70Units ,7- Long conversations with your friends-74 Units 8-Watching sea at beach 76Units 9-Listening Music-80 Units Dancing 72 Units 10- Cup of your favoured coffee-87 Units 11Good novel reading .12-completing a task 90Uniits 13-Finding unexpected money -93Units 14-Getting massage 95 Units 15-Having Good laugh 100 Units 16- Bonfire in winter 125units 17- Eating Dark Chocolates 140Units 18-Eating tasty dices -150 Units 19- consuming alcohol 150 Units 20- Earning money 165Units 21-Trip with friends-170 Units 22-VideoGaming 175 units 23- Kissing 192 units ,23-Sex 200 units 24- Cocain consumption 350units
ACCORDING TO WILSON What makes Internet porn unique and More harmful than drugs and alcohol. (1) Internet porn offers extreme novelty; (2) Unlike food and drugs, there are almost no physical limitations to Internet porn consumption; (3) Unlike drugs and food, Internet porn doesn’t eventually activate the brain’s natural aversion systems 4- The age users start watching porn. A teen’s brain is at its peak of dopamine production and neuroplasticity, making it highly vulnerable to addiction and .rewiring. 5-Whether you are watching Porn or taking drugs ,the adiction process is same in the brain. There are peaks of Dopamine (Neurotransmitter) surge and rewiring of brain neurons.( Neuropalsticity .It Changes your reward system for pleasure.

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