ALFRED NOBEL-Founder of most prestigious Nobel prize but his Quality of life was not so noble.

Alfred Noble

Alfred B Nobel was a Swedish chemist engineer, great inventor, and businessman. He devoted most of his life to the invention of explosives. He was the inventor of Dynamite and explosive devices called Blasting Cap, and blasting gelatin, which led to their use in modern-day sophisticated explosives.

Alfred NobleAlfred B Nobel

What did Alfred Nobel say before he died “The merchant of death is dead,”. He became rich by finding ways to kill more people faster than ever before. So how can his work be said noble?

At the time of his death, he had a vast empire of his business, consisting of more than 90 factories manufacturing explosives and ammunition. He had deposited his will in a bank in Stockholm in which he wished to put a bulk of his money in a trust for the award of Noble prizes.


It was due to his regret and repentance that the Nobel Prize was founded. He wished that his money should be awarded for the benefit of mankind in the fields of Physics, Chemistry, Physiology or medicine, literature, and peace. There was much evidence, suggesting that his friendship with Austrian Bertha von Suttner inspired him to establish the prize for peace.

Nobel’s Quality of Life and Health -Although Noble was one of the richest people, his quality of life was not so high. He suffered a lot of health problems. Most of his time was spent in his chemical labs experimenting with explosives. His sleep and diet were improper and irregular. Very often he used to sleep in his lab and ate only after finishing his work. His work had its side effects, as he was inhaling lots of hazardous fumes. He had periods of headaches, cough, bronchitis, and breathing problems. At times he had attacks of depression also. Nobel’s love life -With lots of traveling and his busy work schedule, he started feeling lonely at the age of 40. He employed one of the most intelligent and beautiful Austrian ladies Bertha Von Suttner as his secretary. Was very much impressed by her and wanted to marry her, but she left him to marry someone else. Even then both of them maintained their friendship till his death. Nobel instituted the Peace Prize only after her suggestion.

Bertha Von SuttnerBertha Von Suttner

After Bertha’s departure, Nobel was lonely once again. He came in contact with a beautiful young flower seller, whom he met in a shop. He started companionship with Sofie Hess, who was only 20 then and Alfred was 43 yrs. She was poorly educated so Nobel started educating her to make her a lady. In the process, he used to criticize her all the time for her manners. How can such companionship last longer? She also left him for good.

IMG 20220420 214510Sofie Hess Companion of Alfred Nobel who left him

My view -Although the Nobel Prize, founded by Alfred B Nobel is the most prestigious in the world. People around the world long for it, but given the above facts, it’s not my ideal one. Firstly prize money was earned from the sale of explosives used for killing the people and converting the cities into ruins. Russia’s Ukraine war is a burning example of it. Secondly, Nobel neglected his health (which is the real wealth) and pursued material wealth only. His love life was a total failure.                                                                 Satish Tripathi sctri48

Author: sctri48
Myself a doctor. I write reviews, blogs and interesting posts on travel, life, motivation, know yourself, your body, health including mental health, diet, universe and many more. I'm topmost review writer and photographer at trip and at Google map, where my photographs have got more than 12 million views. Satish Tripathi

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